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  • Gardens-Illustrated-Abo-Cover_2024005
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  • Aktuell
005/2024 (10.05.2024)
Themen | 006/2024 (07.06.2024)
  • 30 plants with interest all year
    These hard-working plants provide several seasons of interest in your garden through flowers, fruit, foliage, bark and even spring shoots
  • Summertime at Sissinghurst
    Ensuring Sissinghurst's famous roses look fabulous throughout the season is one of the many tasks keeping head gardener Troy Scott Smith and his team busy right now
Themen | 007/2024 (05.07.2024)
    Fragrant, drought tolerant and easy to grow, lavenders are popular plants that suit many different styles of garden
    Designer Andy Sturgeon has transformed a steep, grassy hillside on the Isle of Wight into a Mediterranean-style haven of meandering paths, architectural features and cooling water
008/2024 (02.08.2024)
Themen | 009/2024 (30.08.2024)
  • Last taste of summer
    As the seasons begin to change, Beth Al Rikabi suggests four easy recipes for preserving foraged fruits and overlooked vegetables
  • Last taste of summer
    As the seasons begin to change, Beth Al Rikabi suggests four easy recipes for preserving foraged fruits and overlooked vegetables
  • Starting over
    The National Dahlia Collection has had several homes since its inception in the 1980s, and now, under the care of a dedicated dahlia aficionado, it has been rescued and relocated once more to a new site in Cornwall
  • Starting over
    The National Dahlia Collection has had several homes since its inception in the 1980s, and now, under the care of a dedicated dahlia aficionado, it has been rescued and relocated once more to a new site in Cornwall
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Porträt von Gardens Illustrated

Das englischsprachige Gardens Illustrated kommt aus dem klimatisch bevorzugten England, wo einige der weltweit berühmtesten Gärten stehen. Das umfangreiche Gartenmagazin beinhaltet Garten-News, Pflanzenempfehlungen, neue Züchtungen, neue hilfreiche Werkzeuge und Produkte, sowie umfangreichere Artikel und Reportagen über Gartenstile, besondere Gärten, Zier- und Nutzgärten, Historisches…

So wie man seine Wohnung einrichtet, so gestaltet man auch seinen Garten und jeder hat seinen Stil. Für den einen stehen die Farben im Vordergrund, für den anderen das Formale, für den dritten soll es bunt durcheinander zugehen. Die Gartenreportagen aus ganz England tragen dem Rechnung und zeigen die schönsten, gelungensten Beispiele von allen Gartenstilen. Ein umfangreiches Magazin mit vielen Abbildungen, voller Inspirationen und Ideen für ganze Gärten wie kleine Garten-Ecken, zu Pflanzen und Beet-Gestaltung – irgendeine Idee findet sich darin immer, die man am liebsten sofort in die Tat umsetzen möchte. Und der Name ist Programm, die Illustrationen sprechen eine internationale Sprache, so daß man aus diesem Gartenmagazin auch ohne weitreichende Sprachkenntnisse Nutzen ziehen kann.
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In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Gardens Illustrated

  • DIG IN
    What's new, what's growing and what's going on this month
  • DIG IN
    What's new, what's growing and what's going on this month
  • August plants
    As temperatures rise at Lowther Castle, head gardener Andrea Brunsendorf chooses a delicate climbing hydrangea, an easy-to-grow umbel and an airy, fragrant rose
    Stylish ideas to make the most of any small garden or petite growing space
  • August plants
    As temperatures rise at Lowther Castle, head gardener Andrea Brunsendorf chooses a delicate climbing hydrangea, an easy-to-grow umbel and an airy, fragrant rose
    While Nigel Slater might occasionally dream of a larger garden, the joy he feels cocooned in his tiny basement courtyard has convinced him size isn't everything
  • 14 top design tips for small gardens
    Three of this issue's designers share expert advice on creating small spaces that really work, with insightful dos and don'ts to apply to your own garden
  • Cool and collected
    For this small London garden, designer Harry Holding has taken inspiration from the lush textures of tropical forests to create an urban woodland oasis
    Social worker Sophia is part of the Flowers from the Farm collective, supplying cut flowers from her Swindon allotment
    With their orchid-like blooms, these exotic-looking hardy perennials bring welcome colour to shady areas from late spring to autumn
  • Moving on up
    Design duo Farlam & Chandler has transformed a heavily shaded plot into a beautiful, flower-filled family garden
    While Nigel Slater might occasionally dream of a larger garden, the joy he feels cocooned in his tiny basement courtyard has convinced him size isn't everything
    The Chilean landscape architect on taking inspiration from the natural world, the pleasures of working around the globe and the importance of planting more trees
    In the middle of suburbia, Super Bloom's founder Jac Semmler has created a floral wonderland that spills out on to the street
  • 14 top design tips for small gardens
    Three of this issue's designers share expert advice on creating small spaces that really work, with insightful dos and don'ts to apply to your own garden
  • Cool and collected
    For this small London garden, designer Harry Holding has taken inspiration from the lush textures of tropical forests to create an urban woodland oasis
  • Starting over
    The National Dahlia Collection has had several homes since its inception in the 1980s, and now, under the care of a dedicated dahlia aficionado, it has been rescued and relocated once more to a new site in Cornwall
  • Off the grid
    Design studio Viriditas has created a seemingly simple but elegantly layered, lush and immersive garden, which offers great views from the house and space for entertaining
  • Last taste of summer
    As the seasons begin to change, Beth Al Rikabi suggests four easy recipes for preserving foraged fruits and overlooked vegetables
    Social worker Sophia is part of the Flowers from the Farm collective, supplying cut flowers from her Swindon allotment
  • Treasure trail
    Landscape architect Matt Evans has turned his typically long, narrow, town garden in Bath into a plantsman's paradise
    With their orchid-like blooms, these exotic-looking hardy perennials bring welcome colour to shady areas from late spring to autumn
  • Rise of the trub
    Want to create height and interest in a small garden? You might think you want a tree, but you really need a tree-like shrub – a ‘trub’
  • Moving on up
    Design duo Farlam & Chandler has transformed a heavily shaded plot into a beautiful, flower-filled family garden
  • Design
    News, garden design insight and sourcebook
    The Chilean landscape architect on taking inspiration from the natural world, the pleasures of working around the globe and the importance of planting more trees
    Tony Woods of design studio Garden Club London has brought order to this previously unloved, small urban garden with a new, linear layout, and a limited palette of materials that is softened by loose and lovely planting
  • Small sheds and tool stores
    Find the perfect solution for your space with these mini shed and storage ideas
    In the middle of suburbia, Super Bloom's founder Jac Semmler has created a floral wonderland that spills out on to the street
  • Starting over
    The National Dahlia Collection has had several homes since its inception in the 1980s, and now, under the care of a dedicated dahlia aficionado, it has been rescued and relocated once more to a new site in Cornwall
  • Off the grid
    Design studio Viriditas has created a seemingly simple but elegantly layered, lush and immersive garden, which offers great views from the house and space for entertaining
    Part memoir, part rumination on the relationship between humans and the natural world, this new book from Richard Mabey is a delight, says Alys Fowler
  • Last taste of summer
    As the seasons begin to change, Beth Al Rikabi suggests four easy recipes for preserving foraged fruits and overlooked vegetables
  • ‘When I'm writing, I'm thinking of gardening’
    Jamaica Kincaid, the novelist, essayist, teacher, garden writer and gardener, talks about exploring the colonial history of plants
  • Treasure trail
    Landscape architect Matt Evans has turned his typically long, narrow, town garden in Bath into a plantsman's paradise
  • Rise of the trub
    Want to create height and interest in a small garden? You might think you want a tree, but you really need a tree-like shrub – a ‘trub’
    You don't need acres of meadows to help wildlife, says Dave Goulson – just a few square metres can make a real difference
  • Design
    News, garden design insight and sourcebook
    Tony Woods of design studio Garden Club London has brought order to this previously unloved, small urban garden with a new, linear layout, and a limited palette of materials that is softened by loose and lovely planting
  • Small sheds and tool stores
    Find the perfect solution for your space with these mini shed and storage ideas
    Part memoir, part rumination on the relationship between humans and the natural world, this new book from Richard Mabey is a delight, says Alys Fowler
  • ‘When I'm writing, I'm thinking of gardening’
    Jamaica Kincaid, the novelist, essayist, teacher, garden writer and gardener, talks about exploring the colonial history of plants
    You don't need acres of meadows to help wildlife, says Dave Goulson – just a few square metres can make a real difference